Oct 29, 2020
What is "illiberal democracy"? What do Fidesz and Hungary's PM Viktor Orbán stand for? To answer those questions we have with us Mr. Schöplfin, a former Member of the European Parliament (MEP) with Fidesz, Hungary’s Christian-Democratic ruling party for 15 years. Previously, he had a long career as an academic in...
Oct 22, 2020
Five years after the Charlie Hebdo attack, a Chechen Islamist beheaded a middle school teacher for showing a cartoon of Mohamed during a class on freedom of expression. Despite Emmanuel Macron’s bill on “islamist separatism” there’s a distinct feeling that France’s identity and unity are at stake. Gilles...
Oct 15, 2020
"White fragility" wasn’t yet a term of art when Ed West published Small Men on the Wrong Side of History (2020), but our ever-growing culture wars since seem to have confirmed his every pre-existing thesis. Conservatives may still win elections on both sides of the Atlantic, but in the culture war they’re...
Oct 8, 2020
John Kampfner was a young reporter in East Germany when the Berlin Wall came down. He has since experienced first-hand the country's unique journey through reunification, multiculturalism, migration, the European project and its own troubled memory of the Holocaust. John’s ode to Germany in Why the Germans Do...
Oct 1, 2020
Trump has rattled the transatlantic relationship, but is he as anomalous as he’s made out to be? In Paradise Lost (2019), Ben Haddad argues that the trends pulling America away from a position of liberal hegemony buttressing Europe’s security infrastructure are older and more profound. In it, he calls for Europe to...