Nov 27, 2020
A debate has been raging over recent weeks in Brussels and across European capitals, one that many in our non-European audience may find somewhat confusing at times. What is European "strategic autonomy"? The term is being used by French President Emmanuel Macron to promote his vision of a Europe willing and able to...
Nov 20, 2020
Vernon Bogdanor is one of Britain’s foremost constitutional experts, which for a country that lacks a written constitution, means not that he lacks a working subject. In his latest book Britain and Europe in a Troubled World (2020), Mr. Bogdanor traces the historical undercurrents behind the UK’s troubled, always...
Nov 12, 2020
David Goodhart is one of the UK's foremost scholars of populism. His previous book The Road to Somewhere (2017) documented the profound value divides that Trump and the Brexiteers rode in 2016, between an elite of anywheres driven by self-actualization, individualism and adaptiveness to social change and a majority...
Nov 5, 2020
"A shared commitment to liberty and self-government" is how Michael Kimmage defines the West, a notion at once elusive but also intuitive when it comes to world politics. Prof. Kimmages's The Abandonment of the West (2020) is an attempt to trace the cultural undercurrents that propelled "the West" to elite appeal in...