Jul 21, 2021
Casting about for a definition of Europe, the eminent French poet and essayist Paul Valéry told a student audience in Zurich, circa 1922: « Any people and land that has been successively Romanized, Christianized, and as regards to the mind, disciplined by the Greeks, is absolutely European.” Laid waste by deathly totalitarian ideologies, then hoisted back to relevance on the strength of its collective impetus, Europe’s soul-searching has continued into the new century. Do Europeans simply inhabit their corner of the Eurasian landmass, or are they stewards of a unique culture that sets them apart? With its societies more diverse and less Christian than ever before, has the religious soul of Valéry’s definition withered? Has the European Union (EU) lived up to this legacy? Recurrently teased by each of this show’s 35 episodes thus far, Uncommon Decency winds up its second season by tackling these themes head on, with French philosopher Pierre Manent and former EU Council speechwriter Luuk Van Middelaar. In addition to rating, reviewing, and spreading the word about the show, we kindly ask you to fill this one-minute survey that will help us better cater to your interests come September. Thanks kindly as always—enjoy the show!
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